Our customers are our main focus
At Bent Nygaard Elektronik the main focus are our customers. Only together can we make the best solutions regarding weighing and labelling solutions regardless the size of the project.
We are ready with guidance and with over 40 years of experiance we have solutions and know-how regarding almost every assignment.
Our keywords are precision, reliability and flexibility which all are present in both our own single machinery and our more advanced End-Of-Line system solutions.
Read more about our systems and solutions on our web-site or download our brochures at the bottom of our page.
Please contact us if you have any questions or we can be of assistance of your next weighing and/or labelling prjoect.
Contact us here
Service and service agreements
We know our systems lasts for many years and also the importance of running af production without system failure. If an fault should occur we are ready with service all 24 hours.
Our facility is located near highway E45 between Horsens and Vejle and can respond quickly by phone or on-site at the customer if needed.
To avoid any unintentionally breakdown of our machinery we offer a service agreement which are made according the specific system.
The agreement can be cancelled at any time, and it provides the custormer with detailed information about the service and used spare parts.
If you are interested in such an agreement, please contact us today and hear more.
Read more about our service